Antique Izannah Walker Dolls · Celebrations · Izannah Walker birthday · Studio News

Part 2 of Happy 206th Birthday Izannah Walker… Cake, Pie, Shortbread and Presents!

It’s been a beautiful cool, sunny autumn day at the doll’s very tall house, as all of my little cloth Izannah sisters celebrated the 206th birthday of the extremely talented woman who made them.

There were many scrumptious things to eat, which they all agreed looked even more delicious when served on their new set of china. As I am sure you can imagine, sweet little Izzybelle was very excited to see what their shared birthday present was! The sisters thought that receiving their very own pair of tiny dolls, that look very like much like they do, was a wonderful gift. Their birthday dolls were made by Lolly Yocum of Laurelleaf dolls.

Since Hannah, Sarah Alice, and Isabeau did so much baking for the party on Saturday, Tilly Lamb and Charlcie took over the kitchen today to bake blueberry jam cake, and set out the pies and shortbread for the party.

Meanwhile, up in the bedroom Sarah Alice was trying her best to get Izzybelle to stop trying get an early glimpse of their birthday present, and to keep her neat and tidy for the party…

Eventually Izzybelle was persuaded to tie her sontag, straighten her dress and stop trying to peek into the parlor. Then Sarah Alice hurried her downstairs, before she could get into more mischief…

At long last all the the party preparations were finished. The little cloth dolls gathered around to parlor table to sing Happy Birthday, light a birthday candle for their beloved dollmaker, and feast on far too many sweets… (I didn’t try to stop them, because after all such a special day only comes once a year and they deserve a special treat).

Thank you for joining us for this year’s birthday party! We hope you have enjoyed it ❤

Happy Birthday Izannah Walker!

2 thoughts on “Part 2 of Happy 206th Birthday Izannah Walker… Cake, Pie, Shortbread and Presents!

    Thank you for your gracious hospitality ladies, the treats and your company have been SUBLIME!
    THANK YOU for creating your BEAUTIFUL DOLLS!!! ❤️

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